from funder:

Bush Foundation

to recipient:

Augsburg College

Minneapolis, MN


Total Grants to Augsburg College
Total $ Granted: $ 230,000
For Years: 2014 2012 2011 2010
# Grants: 4

Grants to Augsburg College

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
1/1/2014 150,000 Education - In partnership withe Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis Community and Technical College, and St. Paul Public Schools, Augsburg College will work to create stronger pathways for individuals from communities of color interested in teaching. They will collaborate to build an infrastructure to support smooth transitions into teaching as a profession, engage in proactive recruitment of candidates of color from multiple entry points, and improve clinical experiences for candidates of color. Bush Foundation
1/1/2012 2,500 Education - for general operating support Bush Foundation
1/1/2011 75,000 Education - One-time grant to enhance the capacity of the higher education partners to collect, compile, and analyze data. Permissible uses of the money include staffing, consultants, staff development, training, hardware, and/or software. Bush Foundation
1/1/2010 2,500 Education - For the Scholastic Connections scholarship program Bush Foundation



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