Minnesota Public Radio

Grants to media are NOT designated as for education, necessarily or even usually, by the funder. Inclusion of media grants is to show the relationships between the funders and the media institutions.

313 grants received for $ 48,783,291
view grants received | view grants received chart

TYPE: 501(c)(3)

EIN: 41-0953924 | 990s and mentions at ProPublica

480 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55101

web search

69 institutional roles for $4,331,681


69 institutional roles for $4,331,681

(show all | hide all)

Year Role Hrs/week Pay Source 990 src
Brainerd, Mary
(9 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Drew, Duchesne
(4 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
total pay: $ 1,131,272   
Griffith, Sima
(7 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Kigin, Thomas
(2 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
total pay: $ 23,885   
Mctaggart, Jon
(9 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
total pay: $ 384,364   
Mortenson, Kate M.
(6 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Piper, Tad
(9 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Reyelts, Paul
(1 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Rothschild, Steven M.
(9 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Short, Marianne
(4 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Thao-Urabe, Bo
(1 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
Yoder, Randi
(8 roles; show | hide | all | profile)
total pay: $ 2,792,160   




Rob Levine
May 22, 2002

MPR: Money Public Radio

Taking the public out of public broadcasting | 2002 City Pages

MPR's large endowments, combined with government monies, conservatively guarantee the network an income of more than $13 million per year. As for pledge drives like the one that got started this week? The truth is MPR really doesn't need your money.

Read the full report >